Conference Website - New York 2007

Conference Paper Abstracts


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Brint, Steven and Seth Abrutyn. "Moral-Value Politics: From Status Group Conflict to Institutionalized Party-Movement Electoral System "

Conger, Kimberly H. "Moral-Values Issues and Political Party Organizations: Cycles of Conflict and Accommodation of the Christian Right in State-level Republican Parties"

Evans, John H. "Where is the Counter-Weight? Explorations of the Decline of Mainstream Protestant Participation in Public Debates Over Values"

Gorski, Philip S. "Conservative Protestantism? A Comparative and Historical Perspective"

Green, John C. "The Rise of the Traditionalist Alliance"

Hout, Michael. "The Class Divide Within American Protestantism"

Klemp, Nathanial and Stephen Macedo. "The Christian Right, Public Reason, and American Democracy"

Lichterman, Paul, Prudence Carter, and Michele Lamont. "Bridging Boundaries for Christ? Conservative and Black-White Relations in Community Life"

Lindsay, D. Michael. "Politics as Construction of Relations: Conservative Christian Religious Identity and Political Expression"

Rossman, Gabriel. "The Sacred and the Profane: Christian Conservatives and Popular Culture"

Schroedel, Jean, Jennifer Merolla, and Scott Waller. "Evangelical Strength and the Representation of Women and Gays"

Sikkink, David. "Conservative Protestant Schools and Civic Education"

Smith, Rogers M. "Church, State, and Society: Constitutional Consequences of the Rise of Christian Conservativism" "Christian Conservatives and Constitutional Law"

Stevens, Mitchell M. "Keys to the Kingdom: Conservative Protestantism as an Organizational Field"

Wilcox, Clyde. "Of Movements and Metaphors: The Co-Evolution of the Christian Right and the GOP"

Wilcox, W. Bradford "How Focused on the Family: Christian Conservatives, the Family, and Sexuality"

Williams, Rhys H."Evangelicals and Religious Dissenters: Secular Elites as Moral 'Other'"

Wuthnow, Robert. "The Cultural Capital of American Evangelicalism"

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